Sleep Needs Based On Age

mom and baby trying to go back to sleep

Babies and toddlers change and develop at such a rapid pace. This means two things: They need a good amount of sleep. Their sleep patterns and needs change rapidly as well. As a parent, you’re likely no stranger to the ever-evolving sleep patterns of babies and toddlers. Just when you think you’ve cracked the code … Read more

Do Contact Naps Before 12 Weeks Start Bad Habits?

Baby and puppy sleeping

As a refresher, contact naps refer to the practice of a baby falling asleep while in physical contact with a caregiver, typically by being held, rocked, or even just being in the same room. This can involve the baby sleeping on the chest, arms, or lap of the caregiver, or even just being close enough … Read more

Velcro Babies

baby and mother cheek to cheek

A strange phenomenon that happens for a lot of us is how mothers, while we’re pregnant, explain the agony of labor. It is labor, after all. But what’s not often described is the agony of the first months, the “fourth trimester,” as it’s sometimes known as. For moms who love their babies dearly, but are … Read more