How To Put Your Baby To Sleep Fast
As parents of newborns will know, getting a baby to fall asleep is typically not an issue. Most babies can definitely fall asleep on their own with little encouragement from mom and dad, however the real rub is getting them to fall asleep in any sort of predictable and quick fashion. That’s where we come … Read more

How Can I Get My Newborn To Sleep Longer At Night? 5 Tips For New Parents
Winning the lottery. Eating a steak prepared by Gordon Ramsay himself. Getting more sleep when you have a newborn at home. Three things that would be wonderful to have happen to you but seem very unlikely. Or are they? No. Mr. Ramsay is very busy right now and we have no lottery strategies, but we … Read more

How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Longer Stretches At Night?
It’s the dream of every new parent: sleeping more during the night. For some parents, sleeping through the night is nothing but a fond yet distant memory, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We are talking today about some general tips and ideas that you can start implementing today (or tonight!) in order … Read more

How To Make A Baby Sleep At Night Without Feeding
Helping your baby sleep at night without feeding is a tough prospect, but definitely not impossible. With a little patience and some tips from the pros, you will be doing so in no time. At best, babies are as unpredictable as they are adorable, so each baby may respond differently to different tactics. All things … Read more

How To Help Calm A Restless Baby To Sleep
Getting your baby to sleep can, in the moment, seem like an impossible task, but rest assured it is very possible! We all know what it’s like to have a tired, restless infant that just doesn’t seem to want to sleep, even when you know they need to! Rest assured, we can help you get … Read more

Tips to Transition Your Baby From 2 Naps to 1 Nap
AKA the 2:1 Nap Transition Every child eventually needs to transition from a two nap schedule to a one nap schedule. As an adult, it is easy to be envious of a schedule that includes any naps, but transitioning from two to one can be helpful for your baby and will improve your overall … Read more

Coloring Easter Eggs With Your Toddler
Coloring Easter Eggs is fun and easy and a great time for the whole family. If you have toddlers or young children under five then it can be a little more challenging, but we have put together some fun tips for you so you can have fun dyeing eggs together at any age! Coloring Eggs … Read more

How to Help Baby With Colic
Colic is one of those newborn baby topics that nearly every new parent on the planet has heard of. Either themselves or their friends or family members have experienced it with their babies. Your pediatrician may have told you “hang in there. Your baby will grow out of it in 3-4 months”. As a new … Read more

Fun, Quick, Easy, And Low Cost Arts And Crafts For Young Children
Arts and crafts. They are so much more than a way to entertain and have fun with your little ones. They help your child develop critical thinking and creative expression skills at a much faster rate and can even help them academically and intellectually. There really is only one downside to doing arts and crafts … Read more

Lip Tie In Infants. What You Should Know
Lip ties. It is something that many parents may not be aware of when their baby is born, but in some cases it can have a significant impact on your child’s first years of life. In short, a lip tie is when the little piece of skin that helps to anchor the upper lip to … Read more

Spring Forward And Your Child’s Sleep. What You Can Do To Help.
Spring Forward. If you’re a rabbit and you hear those words, then you are probably just going to think, “yeah, i do that all the time.” However, if you’re a person and you hear those words, you’ll probably think “oh no, not THAT again!” Unfortunately for just about everyone reading these words, we are negatively … Read more

What Is A Postpartum Doula?
With pregnancy comes many challenges and with birth and caring for a newborn come many more. Some people opt to hire a birth doula to help guide them through the time just before and during childbirth. The doula will help you with many of the questions you may have before the birth and will be … Read more

How Many Hours Per Day Should Your Child Sleep?
As adults, we need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night in order to feel rested and be able to take on the day. But, what about children? Do infants and newborns need more or less sleep than toddlers and young children? The truth is that there is definitely a difference in … Read more

Co-Sleeping: Transitioning A Toddler To Their Own Bed
So you want your bed back? It’s perfectly normal. Your bed was once a place where you could get a full night’s rest without fear of being kicked in the face by a toddler or having your pillow and blanket stolen by the same. Co-sleeping is a joy, don’t get the wrong idea, but there … Read more

New Year’s Sleep Resolution Guide For New Parents
Sleep. One of the most valuable resources the world over, yet so scarce for new parents and parents of young children. If there was only a magic button we could press that would make us feel rested! Until that day comes, we are on our own to get the rest we need as parents and … Read more

Christmas Tree Decorating, Toddler Edition
The holidays are such a fun time of year, especially if you have a toddler or two at home. In most homes, decorating the Christmas tree is a much looked forward to annual event and may involve multiple Christmas festivities including music, a big dinner, and lots of eggnog! Although fun and family inclusive, … Read more

Night Terrors Vs Nightmares In Your Young Child
As a parent, there is almost no faster way to feel instantly terrified and sad than when your child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night from a bad dream. For many children, they may just be experiencing a simple nightmare, but for others, it may be a true night terror and it … Read more

Is your Child Overtired? How to Know if Your Child is Overtired & Preventing Overtiredness in Your Child
This time of year it’s easy to miss a few hours of sleep here and there, especially when wrangling the holidays, the in-laws, and especially the little ones. When mom or dad miss a few good nights of sleep, we can be a little cranky or drowsy, but coffee can help with that, yet when … Read more

Why An Earache Can Derail Your Child’s Sleep
Ear infections are no fun for both parent and child. They are unfortunately rather common as nearly five out of every six children will have one before the age of three in the U.S. according to the NIH. An earache can have many causes, which include cold and flu viruses, and bacterial infections among others. … Read more

Tips For Surviving Thanksgiving With A Newborn
Even at the best of times, Thanksgiving is an overwhelming and stressful time. These days, it can be even more so, especially with a newborn infant in tow. Luckily, we have come up with a few time honored expert tips and strategies that you can use to help you and your partner navigate this holiday … Read more

All About Tummy Time For You And Your Newborn
Tummy time is an important activity for you and your baby and can lead to many health benefits like developing early motor skills, muscle strength and endurance, and so much more. It is a great time to both bond with your little one and to help them experience something slightly different albeit challenging in their … Read more

The Benefits Of Hiring Household Employees
A household employee like a nanny, gardener, or newborn care specialist can make life so much easier in today’s busy world. They can make a huge impact on the quality of our lives and the lives of our children by allowing us to provide the close hands on care for them while being able to … Read more

Daylight savings, “Falling Back” & Your Baby / Child
It’s that time of year where we start getting calls and emails from clients in a bit of a worry or slight panic. “How do we adjust for the time change?” “Is this going to be as awful as we think it will be?” “What is the best way for us to prepare Daylight Savings!?” … Read more

Co-Parenting: Why Both Parents Need to Participate
If you’re a new or expectant new parent, the topic of this post may seem a little baffling. You may be wondering, “why would both primary caregivers / parents not be caring for their newborn”? The reality is that the scenarios below happen fairly regularly. Bringing Up Baby Surprisingly, it is relatively common for … Read more

Building A Healthy Working Relationship with Your Nanny
Congratulations! You have recently selected your perfect nanny! For many families, this person will become an integral part of your support team. We know that the journey in finding your ideal match can be very challenging for some. Now that you have found your ideal nanny, we want to help you keep her/him for as … Read more

Baby Peeing Through Their Diaper Every Night?
So your little one is finally sleeping through the night (HOORAY!), but they are waking up in the early morning hours soaking wet, with a full diaper. While this isn’t an emergent issue, it’s usually a bit annoying for many families because it creates more laundry (daily) and often causes babies, and their parents. to … Read more

Cat Naps
What exactly is a cat-nap? Cat naps are short naps, typically between 30-45 minutes. Why does my baby catnap? There are several reasons: First, When your baby is a newborn, their sleep is very immature. There is a natural tendency for them to only sleep for 1 sleep cycle (30-45 minutes), vs connecting … Read more

Activities For A 4-Month Old Baby
Recently, a client wanted to know some good activity options for her 4-month old. Her baby had recently transitioned to a different schedule, which allowed for a bigger chunk of awake time. With this new found time on their hands, mom needed some ideas to help change things up and keep her little one from … Read more

Top 3 Reasons to Resume Date Nights ASAP
Welcoming a baby into the world is one of the most life changing and altering events a couple will ever experience. Few others will come close. Many transitions take place and as parents and siblings navigate their new roles, a lot of trial and error, as well as give and take occurs. Today, I wanted … Read more

When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby
When Should You Stop Swaddling Your Baby? If you are reading this, chances are you are a new parent and trying to understand what is the right age to stop swaddling your baby. I’m glad you are here, because there is a lot of information out there on Google Land, in parenting groups or safe … Read more

The Truth About Reflux
Reflux in infancy is all too common these days. Roughly 50% of the babies we have the pleasure of working with, have some degree of reflux ranging from mild to severe. What Causes Reflux? There are a number of reasons that contribute to a baby having reflux. Common triggers can be: Food sensitivities … Read more

Forcing Naps Or Assisting Baby To Sleep
Today, I wanted to post briefly about the importance of daytime sleep and why it’s helpful to help facilitate, by “forcing a nap” when needed. Daytime sleep for babies (and toddlers) is incredibly important. Without proper sleep many things happen: Short naps of 30-45 minutes Lack of REM sleep Baby doesn’t feed well because they … Read more

New Parents Guide for Their Hospital Stay
We are so happy to have this guest post today from Josh Moore with Diaper Dads. Josh created Diaper dads because parenting is a learning experience and it helps to have some backup when you aren’t sure what you’re doing. Josh wanted to give all the dads out there the credit they deserve and some … Read more

Happy Holidays!
2020 has been a year for the books! It will be forever remembered as a year of struggle, loss, chaos and uncertainty. Relentless is a great word for you, 2020! However, it’s also been a great year! In the midst of the pandemic, it seems most of us have embraced all the changes … Read more

Earaches and Your Child’s Sleep
Recently a few sleep consulting client’s have experienced earaches and the resulting sleep disturbances with their little one’s. Being that 5 out of 6 children will have an earache before their third birthday and it’s currently peak cold and flu season, it seemed appropriate to do a post about this very topic. The peak window … Read more

Baby’s first bath
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a new or expectant new parent and have questions about giving your baby their first bath. You may wonder: When is it safe to give my baby a bath? How old should my baby be for their first bath? Can I bathe with my newborn? Can I … Read more

Best Gifts for New Parents
The holidays are upon us and most would agree; this year has been quite the rollercoaster ride! We thought we would help take some of the stress and pressure off of your shoulders and put together this gift guide for all of those new parents on your shopping list. After all, gift giving should be … Read more

Top 4 Tips for New Grandparents
If You’re reading this, you’re likely an Expecting New Grandparent and congratulations are in order! Congratulations on your new little grandbaby! The beauty of being a grandparent is that you can be as involved as much or as little as you want in your grand child’s life. If your relationship is solid with … Read more

14 Signs Baby Has A Tongue Tie
I am so happy to have the opportunity to do this guest post from Melanie Henstrom IBCLC, BS. I have known Melanie for several years now and have learned a tremendous amount from her about tongue and lip ties. I see tongue and lip ties in a VERY HIGH percentage of my sleep and consulting … Read more

3 Daytime Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep Better
If you’re reading this, you’re probably a new parent and learning really fast how challenging it can be to get your little one to sleep. The good news is that while there is a lot that goes into how well your baby sleeps and for how long, there is a lot YOU can do to … Read more

In honor of world breastfeeding week I wanted to do a quick post for all you mamas out there currently expecting or already breastfeeding your tiny humans. The journey for every diad or triad (#twins) to breastfeed is different. Some struggle tremendously and others take to it right away. Wherever you’re at, here are a few … Read more

Pets & Your Baby’s Sleep
Last week I was doing an in-home meeting with my clients expecting their first baby mid-August. As we walked into the parents bedroom, mom was showing me the Nuna bassinet for the baby. While approaching the bassinet, I saw their sweet fur child (kitty), snuggled up in a ball, soaking up the sun, cozy as … Read more

Sleep Coaching GIVEAWAY!
❗❗ GIVEAWAY ❗❗ 1-Hour Free Phone Consultation the_early_weeks ???? Are you a new parent? ???? Are you sleep deprived? ❓Do you have questions? ????????Are you currently expecting? ???? does your baby have colic or reflux? It’s your lucky day! I am giving away a 1-Hour free phone ☎️ consultation!! Now is your opportunity to have … Read more

Top 3 Reasons to Swaddle Your Baby
Swaddling is like a universal truth here in the United States. If you’re a new or expectant parent, chances are you have read or been told by a trusted friend or family member that you need to swaddle your new bundle of joy. If you’ve attended a new parent or birth education class, it’s surely … Read more

Is Belly Sleeping Safe?
My most recent sleep training client was at the perfect age for a lot of things. At 5 months old and over the course of two weeks, we worked through a lot! Teething, the introduction of solids, a mysterious cheek rash, consolidated and longer naps, sleeping through the night, a leap, and you guessed it, … Read more

Do you need a Nanny, Night Nanny, Sleep Consultant or Newborn Care Specialist?
For any new or expectant parent, determining what provider may be the most helpful for your particular situation may seem challenging. This is primarily because you are likely sleep deprived and operating at less than optimal capacity and because the use of some professionals isn’t common knowledge in all areas of the country. This causes … Read more

Rock N Play Recall
Rock N Play Recall It’s a hot and debated topic right now. As of Tuesday April 9th, 2019, The American Academy of Pediatrics has formally stated that they are pushing for the recall of Fisher Price Rock N Plays. The push for recall comes over several years of so called infant deaths caused by the … Read more

Long Distance Postpartum Support
For local friends and family, supporting new parents after the birth of a baby is a little easier. You may offer to drop off dinner, take an older sibling out for a play date or pick up a few items at the grocery store. But friends and family out of state don’t have this luxury. … Read more

Sleep Deprivation
Client Testimonial “I just can’t believe what a difference this had made! Doctors should really refer mom’s who are struggling to you! The impact that her sleeping has had on my mental health is so amazing”. -Kjirsten, Eagle, ID 5 month old sleeping 12 hours per night beginning night 4. Sound Familiar? You are … Read more

Sleep Training – 5 month old
The following is an e-mail I received at 2 am a few weeks ago: “In need of Sleep” “We have a beautiful, baby girl that just turned 5 months old. She is not sleeping much at all, whether it be at night or during the day. We have kept her schedule pretty consistent and it … Read more

Should you put your infant in daycare?
Is Infant Daycare a Good Option? As a Newborn Care Specialist, Infant Sleep Consultant and Postpartum Doula, I am asked often what my thoughts are on infants attending daycare. When their time with me is through, new parents would like to know, given the option, what do I think? Should their infant go to daycare … Read more

Plea from your Newborn Care Specialist
Recently, I had the privilege of working with a struggling new mom. Immediately upon my arrival, I noticed the dark circles under her eyes and that of her accompanying 3.5 month old. She had reached out to me about 8 weeks prior at the recommendation of a mutual friend. We chatted then, but she held … Read more

Giving Thanks
Looking back over the past year, a feeling of deep gratitude feels my heart. I am continually humbled by all the new parents that trust me to be by their side and help guide them during such an intimate time. I truly believe that all things happen for a reason and I am incredibly blessed … Read more

Winter outings with your newborn
October in Boise is one of my favorite times of the year. Beautiful sunny days, crisp fall air, pumpkins, corn mazes, leaves turning and pumpkin flavored everything! In many areas of the United States, October is also when the temperatures start to drop. If you have and infant or are expecting a newborn this winter, … Read more

Making Bath Time More Enjoyable – 15 Tips
Making Bath Time More Enjoyable Bath time can be daunting for new parents, but the good news is that it doesn’t have to be. With these tips and a little planning, bath time with you newborn will be much more enjoyable and less stressful! 1) Sponge bathe baby until their umbilical cord stump has fallen … Read more

6 Reasons Routines For Babies Are Awesome
6 Reasons Routines for Babies are Awesome There are so many different programs and philosophies for infants, it can be hard for new parents to know which approach is best for their family. On one end of the spectrum you have options like the Ferber method where a super strict schedule is encouraged. On the … Read more

How to enjoy baby’s first Halloween
Babies are pretty cute and adorable just as they are, but dressing your baby up as pretty much anything will make them basically down right irresistible. Halloween is no doubt a fun time for littles and their parents. Below are a few things to keep in mind to help you enjoy baby’s first Halloween. Keep … Read more

Why nightlights are ruining your child’s sleep
Light Matters Newborn, toddler or adult, exposure to light before we go to sleep matters. It can affect the way that we fall asleep as well as the quality and duration. Below is a nice summary of why light affects our sleep as well as the worst types. Many parents around the world are making … Read more

Preparing for baby
There is so much fun and excitement surrounding the news of expectant new parents. But along with tiny shoes, cute little clothes and picking out the baby’s name, come a lot of other things to consider. Below are 5 areas to research and plan for before your baby arrives. Understand your health insurance … Read more

Understanding Infant Sleep – 3 things every new parent needs to know
Babies are born earth side with little concept of night and day and often have little remorse for new sleep deprived parents. The following are three important factors to help new parents understand their infant’s sleep. Circadian rhythms are not developed in infants at birth Newborn sleep is not governed by strong circadian rhythms. … Read more

5 must have baby items
There are so many products on the market for babies today, it can be really overwhelming for new parents to know which ones they really need. Today, I’m going to share with you my 5 must have items that will make your journey into parenthood easier. I will note that these items are in addition … Read more

Families are created in different ways
Yesterday, I received an e-mail from a current client letting me know that their baby would be making his big debut soon! The dads are excited beyond belief! In preparing to help this same-sex couple, I wanted to shed some light on the word family, and different ways that families are created. What does family … Read more

Tips for introducing dog and baby
We all love our four-legged fur babies. For many of us, they are our first children, entering our lives soon after becoming a couple or getting married. But then we have our human babies and along with preparing for their birth, great consideration needs to be given on how to introduce our fur babies to … Read more

The value of emotional support
Oftentimes, the role of the Postpartum Doula is not well understood. Friends, family members and expecting parents frequently ask, “so, what does a Postpartum Doula do?” The role of the Postpartum Doula is one of the most sacred relationships a new family will have with a provider, during one of the most intimate times in … Read more

13 Things to celebrate the first week of baby’s birth
Having a baby is one of life’s greatest joys and gifts. A new life has been created, a family expanded and the next generation is being formed. As amazing as it is to bring a new life into this world, a lot happens in the weeks and months before a baby is born and having … Read more

Preparing for Your Baby’s Birth – Packing Hospital Bags and Last Minute To-Do’s
Congratulations! You’re in the final stretch. Your baby(ies) will be here soon! Now is the time to make sure you have your bags packed for the hospital and any final last minute to-dos taken care of. Most hospitals will have a 24-hour observation period for a healthy singleton and a 48-hour observation period for healthy … Read more

5 Rules for the Pacifier
Pacifiers – 5 rules Pacifiers are one of the most universally purchased gifts for a new family expecting a baby. It’s not uncommon for the parents to be to receive upward of a dozen! There are all different sizes, shapes and colors. Some even have those cute little animals attached to them. New parents … Read more

Q & A with the Boise Baby Nurse #1
Q & A with the Boise Baby Nurse #1 *Disclamer* Baby nurse is a term commonly used for someone that cares for infants. I am not a licensed registered nurse in Idaho (RN) and am not claiming to be one. When you work exclusively with newborns, as I do, there are a lot of scenarios … Read more

Healthy Lactation Cookies – gluten & dairy free
In my role as a Newborn Care Specialist and Postpartum Doula, the topic of lactation comes up quite a bit. While there are a number of factors that influence the mother’s milk production (another blog for that), I wanted to share with you my all time favorite lactation cookie recipe. A past client received these … Read more

12 Tips for traveling with a newborn
The holidays are upon us and it’s one of the busiest times of year. Often it means traveling to visit loved ones many hundreds or thousands of miles away so that the whole family can be together and oogle over your sweet new baby. As a Newborn Care Special and Baby Nurse, I do travel … Read more

Happy Thanksgiving from The Early Weeks
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and times of year. It is a time to cozy up to a nice warm fire, sip hot chocolate or warm apple cider, spend time with family and friends, cook and eat a lot of yummy food and reflect on all we truly have to be grateful for. … Read more

5 Rules For Visiting A New Baby
This is a topic I discuss with all of my new clients before baby arrives. Many new parents don’t know what to expect the first several weeks after the birth of their baby and make commitments to have in-laws or family members travel and live with them. The thought is that the guests will be … Read more

Miracle Babies
This last week I was reminded that while all babies are miracles, sometimes we have extra special miracles that come much earlier than expected. My client who was carrying twins was scheduled to be induced at the end of December, at 38 weeks. I received an email from her on November 7th, titled “Early Surprise”. … Read more

Reasons Your Baby Isn’t Sleeping (Parents Magazine)
While in Washington DC earlier this year my clients came across this article in Parents magazine. I thought it was worth sharing because it think it’s important for new parents to keep a light heart and remember that their baby may not always know what they need. Even as a Newborn Care Specialist (the professional), … Read more

5 Tips To Create The Best Sleep Environment For Your Baby
As a Baby Nurse, Infant Sleep Consultant, Newborn Care Specialist and Postpartum Doula the topic of infant sleep comes up a lot. I am called in to not help only reverse sleep issues, but to establish healthy sleep habits from birth. So, what are the most important things you can do to create a healthy … Read more

8 Things to Know When Hiring A Baby Nurse
Congratulations! You are currently expecting or have recently just had your little one. Getting to this point may have been easy or unexpected. Or, it may have been a huge struggle filled with fertility and IVF treatments, surrogacy and challenges that possibly took years to achieve. Regardless of your journey to this point, you are … Read more

12 Steps to help your Baby take a bottle.
Today’s post is about an issue many new parents face, but were not prepared or expecting to have to deal with. Getting their new bundle of joy to take a bottle! Sounds simple right? Not so much. Why? Well, we will get to that in a minute. As a Newborn Care Specialist (also known as … Read more
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We provide sleep support for families in these locations:
Nationwide Virtual - All Sleep Support, Newborn Consultation & Full Day Intensive Services.
Greater Treasure Valley Idaho, including but not limited to; Boise, Nampa, Eagle, Star, Kuna, Mountain Home, Gozzer Ranch, Coeur D’ Alene & Sun Valley.