Pregnancy Heartburn Relief

woman clutching belly due to a heartburn flareup during pregnancy

Pregnancy. When you are expecting a baby, especially your first, you may not be prepared for all of the secondary and tertiary problems that arise during the pregnancy process. Things like hormone imbalances and strange food cravings are just the tip of the iceberg. We don’t have enough time to dive into all of the … Read more

Co-Parenting: Why Both Parents Need to Participate

Two new parents with their baby

If you’re a new or expectant new parent, the topic of this post may seem a little baffling. You may be wondering, “why would both primary caregivers / parents not be caring for their newborn”? The reality is that the scenarios below happen fairly regularly.   Bringing Up Baby Surprisingly, it is relatively common for … Read more

Preparing for baby

pregnant mom with sticky notes on her belly

There is so much fun and excitement surrounding the news of expectant new parents. But along with tiny shoes, cute little clothes and picking out the baby’s name, come a lot of other things to consider. Below are 5 areas to research and plan for before your baby arrives.     Understand your health insurance … Read more