How To Help Your Little One Sleep When They Have A Cold

baby with cold mom taking temperature

Before you become a parent, people try to prepare you for things like not getting enough sleep or having to deal with dirty diapers and baby barf, but what they don’t prepare you for is how heartbreaking it is to see your little baby suffer from a cold. And the worst thing is that there … Read more

Sleep Needs Based On Age

woman holding newborn trying to help it sleep at night

Babies and toddlers change and develop at such a rapid pace. This means two things: They need a good amount of sleep. Their sleep patterns and needs change rapidly as well. As a parent, you’re likely no stranger to the ever-evolving sleep patterns of babies and toddlers. Just when you think you’ve cracked the code … Read more

How To Help A Baby Sleep Or Nap While Teething

teething baby using a teether

Your little one has begun the painful process of teething. You may notice that the experience that your baby is having is beginning to affect their precious sleep. This blog is all about the how’s and whys of helping your little one sleep better, while going through teething. Please share with us your experiences in … Read more

How Long Should I Wait To Put My Baby Down To Bed After Their Last Feeding?

baby feeding with bottle before nap

Sleeping and eating. Besides being cute and lovable, those are an infant’s primary occupations. As parents, we have to be on top of ensuring that they get enough sleep and food each day and to optimize the benefit of both, it helps to be able to time everything out correctly. If you feed too close … Read more

How Long Should My 1 Year Old Nap During The Day?

toddler napping on bed

It’s a stunning realization when it happens. It seems like just moments from when you brought your child home from the hospital. Your little tiny newborn is finally 12 months old and isn’t a teeny newborn at all anymore. Over the last 12 months (which can feel like many years) you have honed and perfected … Read more

Tips For Napping On The Go

baby playing in a suitcase ready for travel

This season is nothing if not full of travel. Whether you’re packing up the car and taking a road trip or you are flying the friendly skies on your favorite airline, traveling with a baby can make everything a little bit more complicated. The good news is that it is very doable and that you … Read more

Establishing A Back To School Nap Routine

back to school written on a chalk board with school supplies near

Summer is drawing to a close and “back to school” season is upon us. This is actually the perfect time to start optimizing your schedule because it’s about to get busier! As a parent, we understand the challenges of juggling a busy schedule while wanting to provide the best care for our baby. One crucial … Read more

How Daylight Saving Time May Impact Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule And How You Can Adjust.

alarm clock in pile of fall leaves

While it only happens twice a year, it seems like a jarring experience every time. I’m talking about daylight savings time and how you can help your baby or young child adjust to it without too much kicking and screaming. For most adults, the twice yearly change in time is nothing more than a minor … Read more

Tips to Transition Your Baby From 2 Naps to 1 Nap

woman sitting in yoga position with toddler on lap

AKA the 2:1 Nap Transition   Every child eventually needs to transition from a two nap schedule to a one nap schedule. As an adult, it is easy to be envious of a schedule that includes any naps, but transitioning from two to one can be helpful for your baby and will improve your overall … Read more

Spring Forward And Your Child’s Sleep. What You Can Do To Help.

baby sleeping next to clock

Spring Forward. If you’re a rabbit and you hear those words, then you are probably just going to think, “yeah, i do that all the time.” However, if you’re a person and you hear those words, you’ll probably think “oh no, not THAT again!” Unfortunately for just about everyone reading these words, we are negatively … Read more

Co-Sleeping: Transitioning A Toddler To Their Own Bed

toddler sleep in bed

So you want your bed back? It’s perfectly normal. Your bed was once a place where you could get a full night’s rest without fear of being kicked in the face by a toddler or having your pillow and blanket stolen by the same. Co-sleeping is a joy, don’t get the wrong idea, but there … Read more

All About Tummy Time For You And Your Newborn

Baby In Tummy Time Crawling

Tummy time is an important activity for you and your baby and can lead to many health benefits like developing early motor skills, muscle strength and endurance, and so much more. It is a great time to both bond with your little one and to help them experience something slightly different albeit challenging in their … Read more

Pets & Your Baby’s Sleep

two kittens in baby bassinet catnapping

Last week I was doing an in-home meeting with my clients expecting their first baby mid-August. As we walked into the parents bedroom, mom was showing me the Nuna bassinet for the baby.  While approaching the bassinet, I saw their sweet fur child (kitty), snuggled up in a ball, soaking up the sun, cozy as … Read more

Sleep Coaching GIVEAWAY!

Katie Bishop The Early Weeks Giveaway Alert

❗❗ GIVEAWAY ❗❗ 1-Hour Free Phone Consultation the_early_weeks ???? Are you a new parent? ???? Are you sleep deprived? ❓Do you have questions? ????????Are you currently expecting? ???? does your baby have colic or reflux? It’s your lucky day! I am giving away a 1-Hour free phone ☎️ consultation!! Now is your opportunity to have … Read more

Do you need a Nanny, Night Nanny, Sleep Consultant or Newborn Care Specialist?

mom holding baby talking with sleep consultant

For any new or expectant parent, determining what provider may be the most helpful for your particular situation may seem challenging. This is primarily because you are likely sleep deprived and operating at less than optimal capacity and because the use of some professionals isn’t common knowledge in all areas of the country. This causes … Read more

Sleep Training – 5 month old

a well rested mom holding baby

The following is an e-mail I received at 2 am a few weeks ago: “In need of Sleep” “We have a beautiful, baby girl that just turned 5 months old. She is not sleeping much at all, whether it be at night or during the day. We have kept her schedule pretty consistent and it … Read more

6 Reasons Routines For Babies Are Awesome

corkboard with text reading our daily routine

6 Reasons Routines for Babies are Awesome There are so many different programs and philosophies for infants, it can be hard for new parents to know which approach is best for their family.  On one end of the spectrum you have options like the Ferber method where a super strict schedule is encouraged. On the … Read more