Tips for Bathing Your Newborn After Their First Bath: How Often and Best Practices

Just like any topic that has to do with caring for a newborn or any child for that matter, the topic of bathing has lots of intricacies and best practices, often with competing schools of thought. In today’s article, we’re going to help deliver a clear and concise set of tips that is designed to … Read more

Holidays With A Newborn: Tips On How To Have Fun, Stay Safe, And Get Some Sleep

cute smiling baby dressed for christmas holiday

Traveling with kids of any age can be a daunting endeavor, but traveling with a newborn or young baby is an Olympic level undertaking to say the least. Yes, the easiest thing to do would be to avoid traveling all together, until the kids are 18 and ready to pick their college, but that isn’t … Read more

How To Stay Informed On Recalled Items For Your Child

safety recall document

You will definitely see headlines on major news outlets when a children’s toy or food item has been recalled and is an immediate threat to public safety. Seeing this on the news is scary! However, there are plenty of other recalls that go under the radar, and the reality is that there are almost too … Read more

Christmas Tree Decorating, Toddler Edition

toddler decorating christmas tree

The holidays are such a fun time of year, especially if you have a toddler or two at home. In most homes, decorating the Christmas tree is a much looked forward to annual event and may involve multiple Christmas festivities including music, a big dinner, and lots of eggnog!   Although fun and family inclusive, … Read more

Night Terrors Vs Nightmares In Your Young Child

baby crying in mom's arms

As a parent, there is almost no faster way to feel instantly terrified and sad than when your child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night from a bad dream. For many children, they may just be experiencing a simple nightmare, but for others, it may be a true night terror and it … Read more

Tips For Surviving Thanksgiving With A Newborn

baby asleep in tub holiday decorations around

Even at the best of times, Thanksgiving is an overwhelming and stressful time. These days, it can be even more so, especially with a newborn infant in tow. Luckily, we have come up with a few time honored expert tips and strategies that you can use to help you and your partner navigate this holiday … Read more

All About Tummy Time For You And Your Newborn

Baby In Tummy Time Crawling

Tummy time is an important activity for you and your baby and can lead to many health benefits like developing early motor skills, muscle strength and endurance, and so much more. It is a great time to both bond with your little one and to help them experience something slightly different albeit challenging in their … Read more

Swaddling In The Early Days & Weeks

A few days ago, I received a call from a new dad. It was late at night and he and his wife were struggling with their 5 day old baby. Neither of them were getting more than 20-30 minutes of sleep at a time and neither was their newborn baby. “We don’t know if he’s … Read more

When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby

When Should You Stop Swaddling Your Baby? If you are reading this, chances are you are a new parent and trying to understand what is the right age to stop swaddling your baby. I’m glad you are here, because there is a lot of information out there on Google Land, in parenting groups or safe … Read more

Pets & Your Baby’s Sleep

two kittens in baby bassinet catnapping

Last week I was doing an in-home meeting with my clients expecting their first baby mid-August. As we walked into the parents bedroom, mom was showing me the Nuna bassinet for the baby.  While approaching the bassinet, I saw their sweet fur child (kitty), snuggled up in a ball, soaking up the sun, cozy as … Read more

Is Belly Sleeping Safe?

newborn baby bell sleeping

My most recent sleep training client was at the perfect age for a lot of things. At 5 months old and over the course of two weeks, we worked through a lot! Teething, the introduction of solids, a mysterious cheek rash, consolidated and longer naps, sleeping through the night, a leap, and you guessed it, … Read more

Rock N Play Recall

newborn baby rock n play

Rock N Play Recall It’s a hot and debated topic right now. As of Tuesday April 9th, 2019, The American Academy of Pediatrics has formally stated that they are pushing for the recall of Fisher Price Rock N Plays. The push for recall comes over several years of so called infant deaths caused by the … Read more