How To Help Your Little One Sleep When They Have A Cold

Before you become a parent, people try to prepare you for things like not getting enough sleep or having to deal with dirty diapers and baby barf, but what they don’t prepare you for is how heartbreaking it is to see your little baby suffer from a cold. And the worst thing is that there … Read more

Why An Earache Can Derail Your Child’s Sleep

Mom holding baby while Doctor inspects ear

Ear infections are no fun for both parent and child. They are unfortunately rather common as nearly five out of every six children will have one before the age of three in the U.S. according to the NIH. An earache can have many causes, which include cold and flu viruses, and bacterial infections among others. … Read more

Earaches and Your Child’s Sleep

young baby with an ear infection

Recently a few sleep consulting client’s have experienced earaches and the resulting sleep disturbances with their little one’s. Being that 5 out of 6 children will have an earache before their third birthday and it’s currently peak cold and flu season, it seemed appropriate to do a post about this very topic. The peak window … Read more