Nap Trapped? What That Means And What You Can Do About It

sleeping baby on momma during nap

As parents, we of course, love holding our babies. Sometimes, we just can’t get enough of holding those tiny, warm, fidgety and cute bundles of joy, but there are other times where we need to get some things done around the house or take care of our own personal hygiene among other things. Theoretically, this … Read more

Sleep Needs Based On Age

mom and baby trying to go back to sleep

Babies and toddlers change and develop at such a rapid pace. This means two things: They need a good amount of sleep. Their sleep patterns and needs change rapidly as well. As a parent, you’re likely no stranger to the ever-evolving sleep patterns of babies and toddlers. Just when you think you’ve cracked the code … Read more

What Is Active Sleep In A Newborn? What To Watch For And What To Do.

baby newborn in crib

We’ve all been there. It’s the dead of night and all is quiet, when all of a sudden you hear strange scraping, flopping, and cooing sounds coming from your baby’s sleeping area. You bolt up in bed! Either the baby is awake again or another racoon got in through the doggy door and is searching … Read more

When Should A Baby Transition Out Of A Swaddle?

baby in a swaddle

Swaddles. It’s a funny word, but boy do they work miracles! Swaddles can often be the deciding factor in whether or not your little one will get restful naps and night time sleep on a regular basis. We have seen with our very eyes on many occasions a swaddle take a crying frantic baby and … Read more

What Is Baby Sleep Regression And When Does It Start?

mother and father over newborn baby

Sometimes, taking care of a newborn or infant can seem like you’re playing a high stakes game of Jenga. You can work so hard to build up your tower but in one instant, it can all come crashing down around you. That is exactly what experiencing sleep regression in a baby can feel like. Well, … Read more

Why Is My Baby Not Sleeping Deeply?

baby sleeping on a moon plush

Being a parent of a newborn, the struggle is truly “real” when it comes to getting your little one to sleep. We struggle to get them down to sleep and we struggle to keep them asleep, especially in a deep sleep. When your baby isn’t sleeping deeply each day, that can have negative impacts on … Read more

How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Longer Stretches At Night?

baby sleeping in crib night

It’s the dream of every new parent: sleeping more during the night. For some parents, sleeping through the night is nothing but a fond yet distant memory, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We are talking today about some general tips and ideas that you can start implementing today (or tonight!) in order … Read more

How to Help Baby With Colic

Baby with Colic

Colic is one of those newborn baby topics that nearly every new parent on the planet has heard of. Either themselves or their friends or family members have experienced it with their babies. Your pediatrician may have told you “hang in there. Your baby will grow out of it in 3-4 months”. As a new … Read more

New Year’s Sleep Resolution Guide For New Parents

three babies with party hats on

Sleep. One of the most valuable resources the world over, yet so scarce for new parents and parents of young children. If there was only a magic button we could press that would make us feel rested! Until that day comes, we are on our own to get the rest we need as parents and … Read more

Daylight savings, “Falling Back” & Your Baby / Child

Toddler and daylight savings

It’s that time of year where we start getting calls and emails from clients in a bit of a worry or slight panic. “How do we adjust for the time change?” “Is this going to be as awful as we think it will be?” “What is the best way for us to prepare Daylight Savings!?” … Read more

Baby Peeing Through Their Diaper Every Night?

Baby Peeing Through Diaper

So your little one is finally sleeping through the night (HOORAY!), but they are waking up in the early morning hours soaking wet, with a full diaper.  While this isn’t an emergent issue, it’s usually a bit annoying for many families because it creates more laundry (daily) and often causes babies, and their parents. to … Read more

Cat Naps

newborn baby in crib

  What exactly is a cat-nap? Cat naps are short naps, typically between 30-45 minutes.   Why does my baby catnap? There are several reasons:  First, When your baby is a newborn, their sleep is very immature. There is a natural tendency for them to only sleep for 1 sleep cycle (30-45 minutes), vs connecting … Read more

How To Feed Your Newborn

Newborn baby breastfeeding

TRUE or FALSE?? Babies less than 2 weeks old can get full feeds and go three hours between feeds. TRUE! Once mom’s milk has come in, usually by day 5 postpartum, a newborn can and absolutely should be able to transfer what they need to make a 2.5-3 hour time stretch. 2 hours is on … Read more

Top 3 Reasons to Resume Date Nights ASAP

Welcoming a baby into the world is one of the most life changing and altering events a couple will ever experience. Few others will come close. Many transitions take place and as parents and siblings navigate their new roles, a lot of trial and error, as well as give and take occurs. Today, I wanted … Read more