4 Reasons Naps Are Harder Than Night Time Sleep

mother trying to put baby to sleep for day nap

To most grownups, a nap sounds like paradise. You get to take a part of your day and sleep for an hour or two so you can wake up recharged and ready to take on the rest of the day at your own pace. For parents though, naps can be a bit of a nightmare … Read more

Co-Sleeping: Transitioning A Toddler To Their Own Bed

toddler sleep in bed

So you want your bed back? It’s perfectly normal. Your bed was once a place where you could get a full night’s rest without fear of being kicked in the face by a toddler or having your pillow and blanket stolen by the same. Co-sleeping is a joy, don’t get the wrong idea, but there … Read more

Cat Naps

newborn baby in crib

  What exactly is a cat-nap? Cat naps are short naps, typically between 30-45 minutes.   Why does my baby catnap? There are several reasons:  First, When your baby is a newborn, their sleep is very immature. There is a natural tendency for them to only sleep for 1 sleep cycle (30-45 minutes), vs connecting … Read more

How To Feed Your Newborn

Newborn baby breastfeeding

TRUE or FALSE?? Babies less than 2 weeks old can get full feeds and go three hours between feeds. TRUE! Once mom’s milk has come in, usually by day 5 postpartum, a newborn can and absolutely should be able to transfer what they need to make a 2.5-3 hour time stretch. 2 hours is on … Read more

When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby

When Should You Stop Swaddling Your Baby? If you are reading this, chances are you are a new parent and trying to understand what is the right age to stop swaddling your baby. I’m glad you are here, because there is a lot of information out there on Google Land, in parenting groups or safe … Read more

Earaches and Your Child’s Sleep

young baby with an ear infection

Recently a few sleep consulting client’s have experienced earaches and the resulting sleep disturbances with their little one’s. Being that 5 out of 6 children will have an earache before their third birthday and it’s currently peak cold and flu season, it seemed appropriate to do a post about this very topic. The peak window … Read more