Should I Give My Baby A Bottle Before Bedtime?

There has been a lot of talk lately on popular social media platforms about whether or not you should feed your baby just before putting them down for bedtime. In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of doing just that. As always, give us a shout out on social or in … Read more

How Long Should I Wait To Put My Baby Down To Bed After Their Last Feeding?

baby feeding with bottle before nap

Sleeping and eating. Besides being cute and lovable, those are an infant’s primary occupations. As parents, we have to be on top of ensuring that they get enough sleep and food each day and to optimize the benefit of both, it helps to be able to time everything out correctly. If you feed too close … Read more

All About Power Pumping!

woman breast pumping

Power pumping! No, it’s not the latest muscle building gym craze. It’s an innovative technique to help nursing mothers maximize their milk output potential by mimicking a baby’s cluster feeding cycle by using the breast pump to help your body produce more milk to meet the new higher demand. This technique can help mothers who … Read more