Sleep Training – 5 month old

a well rested mom holding baby

The following is an e-mail I received at 2 am a few weeks ago: “In need of Sleep” “We have a beautiful, baby girl that just turned 5 months old. She is not sleeping much at all, whether it be at night or during the day. We have kept her schedule pretty consistent and it … Read more

Plea from your Newborn Care Specialist

new parents holding naked newborn

Recently, I had the privilege of working with a struggling new mom. Immediately upon my arrival, I noticed the dark circles under her eyes and that of her accompanying 3.5 month old. She had reached out to me about 8 weeks prior at the recommendation of a mutual friend. We chatted then, but she held … Read more

One handed snacks for the postpartum family

New mother holding her newborn eating a healthy dinner

When you have a newborn, it can become very easy to forget to eat, or grab whatever is the most convenient at the time, even if it’s not the healthiest option. Before your baby is born, try to stock up on not only freezer meals you can pull out at any time, but easy one … Read more

13 Things to celebrate the first week of baby’s birth

cute welcome home baby sign

Having a baby is one of life’s greatest joys and gifts. A new life has been created, a family expanded and the next generation is being formed. As amazing as it is to bring a new life into this world, a lot happens in the weeks and months before a baby is born and having … Read more

8 Things to Know When Hiring A Baby Nurse

naked newborn baby sleeping two hands

Congratulations! You are currently expecting or have recently just had your little one. Getting to this point may have been easy or unexpected. Or, it may have been a huge struggle filled with fertility and IVF treatments, surrogacy and challenges that possibly took years to achieve. Regardless of your journey to this point, you are … Read more