Should I Give My Baby A Bottle Before Bedtime?

There has been a lot of talk lately on popular social media platforms about whether or not you should feed your baby just before putting them down for bedtime. In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of doing just that. As always, give us a shout out on social or in … Read more

Sleep Needs Based On Age

mom and baby trying to go back to sleep

Babies and toddlers change and develop at such a rapid pace. This means two things: They need a good amount of sleep. Their sleep patterns and needs change rapidly as well. As a parent, you’re likely no stranger to the ever-evolving sleep patterns of babies and toddlers. Just when you think you’ve cracked the code … Read more

How to Calm a Crying Newborn in Four Steps

mother holding baby who is crying

One of the biggest challenges parents face can be calming and soothing a crying newborn. Undoubtedly everyone will have suggestions for how to soothe your baby. While there is no one quick answer, there are a few techniques to keep in mind that can help ease your infant. Here is what our team recommends to … Read more

LO Waking Out Of Habit Or Hunger?

It’s the middle of the night and your baby is crying. Determining whether your baby is waking up out of habit or hunger can be challenging, especially when drowsy yourself! Understanding their sleep patterns and needs can help you make an informed decision. Here are some tips to help you distinguish between habitual vs. hunger-driven … Read more

At What Age Should A Baby Have A Bedtime?

teddy bear tucked into a bed

Sleep. When it comes to a newborn or infant, it can be both a valuable asset and a fond memory for a time long ago when you could go to sleep when you wanted and wake up when you felt like it. Cherish those memories. Hold them dear. Speaking of making your own bedtimes, it … Read more

Sleep Coaching GIVEAWAY!

Katie Bishop The Early Weeks Giveaway Alert

❗❗ GIVEAWAY ❗❗ 1-Hour Free Phone Consultation the_early_weeks ???? Are you a new parent? ???? Are you sleep deprived? ❓Do you have questions? ????????Are you currently expecting? ???? does your baby have colic or reflux? It’s your lucky day! I am giving away a 1-Hour free phone ☎️ consultation!! Now is your opportunity to have … Read more

Plea from your Newborn Care Specialist

new parents holding naked newborn

Recently, I had the privilege of working with a struggling new mom. Immediately upon my arrival, I noticed the dark circles under her eyes and that of her accompanying 3.5 month old. She had reached out to me about 8 weeks prior at the recommendation of a mutual friend. We chatted then, but she held … Read more

5 Tips To Create The Best Sleep Environment For Your Baby

beautiful baby nursery

As a Baby Nurse, Infant Sleep Consultant, Newborn Care Specialist and Postpartum Doula the topic of infant sleep comes up a lot. I am called in to not help only reverse sleep issues, but to establish healthy sleep habits from birth. So, what are the most important things you can do to create a healthy … Read more